Category: Sustainability

  • Hügelkultur in Pennsylvania

    Hügelkultur in Pennsylvania

    Hügelkultur in Pennsylvania: Nature’s Raised Bed Years ago, hurricane Sandy turned my forested property into an open meadow with massive rotting tree stumps everywhere.  The trees on my property that used to provide shade and beauty, now produced a steady supply of fallen branches, logs, and leaves.  Since I had already been slowly ‘rewilding‘ my…

  • Sprouts Vs. Microgreens

    Sprouts Vs. Microgreens

    Are these sprouts?  Are these microgreens?  Is their a difference between the two?  The answer is: Yes there is a difference.  I grow both and if you keep reading, I’ll describe how they differ and which one in my opinion is the overall winner in the Sprouts vs. Microgreens battle. Growing Sprouts vs. Microgreens So…

  • ScaleBlaster Review

    ScaleBlaster Review

    Every home that I’ve ever lived in has had hard water.  There are pros to having hard water, but there are also many cons.  The cons have led me to investigate ways of mitigating hard water, but this also has additional drawbacks.  I recently purchased and installed a ScaleBlaster.  Read on for my ScaleBlaster review.…

  • Warming My Mycology Grow Room

    Warming My Mycology Grow Room

    In the last issue of Fermenting Solutions, I mentioned that trying to keep my mycology grow room warm was becoming an issue.  Each month, the arrival of my electric bills was starting to induce sticker shock.  When I decided to have a year round mushroom growing setup it was only natural to put it in…

  • The Joys of Backpacking

    The Joys of Backpacking

    When I stopped working a corporate job, one of the first things I started regularly doing in my ‘new found’ time was to go backpacking.  Why can’t I get enough of Backpacking?  Why do others find it so frightening?  Let me show you some potential ways to loving the many joys of backpacking. Initially, my…

  • How To Be a Great E-Commerce Business (Customer)

    If there’s one thing that 2020 has taught me, it’s that most people are terrible small business customers. Sure, people like to claim that they are small business supporters, until you actually look at their behavior as consumers. These behaviors make them very far away from being the ideal small business customer. It’s likely a…

  • Best Tips for Making Your Home Green

    Making your home green doesn’t mean starting from scratch. Existing homes can be made more sustainable with some simple changes, one room at a time. A sustainable home needn’t mean less comfort or convenience either.  Green homes should be comfortable spaces that support the health of you and your family. As well as health benefits,…