Category: Life

  • In Pursuit of Metabolic Flexibility

    Origins of the Pursuit for Metabolic Flexibility There was a time when I was a big advocate of ‘grazing’.  Everything I was taught growing up emphasized this.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  When I began playing sports, it was crucial to be eating constant small meals in order to ‘maximize gains’. …

  • The Joys of Backpacking

    The Joys of Backpacking

    When I stopped working a corporate job, one of the first things I started regularly doing in my ‘new found’ time was to go backpacking.  Why can’t I get enough of Backpacking?  Why do others find it so frightening?  Let me show you some potential ways to loving the many joys of backpacking. Initially, my…

  • Ghost in the (Google Cloud) Shell

    One of the perks of being a technologist that is not tied to a traditional 9 to 5 is that you have immense freedom in terms of where you can complete your ‘work’ from. I’ve always toyed with the digital nomad lifestyle… but it’s kind of ridiculous when you need to lug around an insane…

  • I’m retiring…



    …from the rat race at least 😉  I’m extremely excited to announce that effective 11/09/2018 I will be a full time employee of Threddies!  Many of you are likely already aware that I’ve been working part time at my day job since April in preparation for this and I know, based on the questions that…

  • Fermenting Solutions

    My email newsletter is entitled Fermenting Solutions. It started years ago as an effort to ‘dog food’ AWeber’s Curate mobile app. It’s a semi regular chronicle of a current project that I’m spending time on… the trials, tribulations and the interesting beverages I’ve had to drink while trying to work through them. You can read…